Various ways to use tomatoes to get that acne free and glowing skin


  When pores become clogged with dirt, makeup, dead skin cells and other impurities, and the sebaceous gland produces too much of the skin’s natural protective oil, that oil gets trapped under the skin, causing a bacterial infection that results in acne breakouts. Acne is caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, poor diet, poor hygiene, and many other factors, and it usually appears on the face, neck, back and chest.

Tomato is a natural, affordable, effective acne remedy as well as a super-food that provides numerous other health benefits.

*Is Tomato good for Acne?*
You’re about to learn several ways to use it to treat and prevent breakouts, but first, take a look at why it works.
💧Tomato balances the skin’s pH levels.
💧It closes pores, preventing bacteria, dirt, oil, and dead skin cells from clogging them.
💧Tomatoes contain anti-oxidants that protect against the free radicals that cause acne.
💧Tomato repairs skin damage on the cellular level, and reduces the appearance of acne scars.
The natural acid in tomatoes restores the skin’s natural oil balance.
💧Tomato moisturizes skin, leaving it soft and smooth.
Tomato contains vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, and B6, which help shrink pores and nourish skin.
💧Tomatoes also contain iron, potassium, and other nutrients that support general health as well as skin health ad also reduces scar formation.

As a natural astringent, tomato keeps the skin taught and wrinkle free.

*How to Use Tomato as an Acne Treatment*
Tomato can be eaten and used as a topical treatment, and it can be used alone and in combination with other natural ingredients that clear up and prevent acne. With daily consumption of fresh tomatoes and organic tomato juice in addition to regular use of the remedies outlined below, you should see clearer skin in no time.

💧💧Tomato Mask
Place 1 tomato in the blender and puree until smooth.
Apply puree to skin and leave on 15-20 minutes.
Rinse with cool water, wash face with gentle cleanser, and pat dry.
Repeat daily.
Note: rubbing slices of fresh tomato on the skin achieves the same results.

💧💧Tomato, Oatmeal, and Lemon Juice
Oatmeal exfoliates to remove toxins that cause acne, and lemon juice kills the bacteria that cause breakouts.
Prepare ½ cup plain oatmeal.
Place oatmeal in blender with 1 tomato and 1 tablespoon lemon juice and mix until smooth.
If paste is too thick, add water.
Apply paste to clean skin and leave on 20-30 minutes.
Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Repeat daily.
Note: for back acne, add mint, which reduces inflammation.

💧💧Tomato, Jojoba Oil, and Tea Tree Oil
Mash ½ piece of tomato until smooth.
Mix tomato with 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil.
Apply to clean skin and leave on 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Repeat daily to reduce acne.

💧💧Tomato with Avocado
Boil a pot of water.
Place 1 tomato and the pulp of one avocado in a blender and mix until smooth.
Remove water from heat.
Wash your face, drape a towel over your head, and lean over the steaming water for 15 minutes.
Apply tomato-avocado paste to skin and leave on 30-40 minutes.
Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Repeat daily.

💧💧 Tomato with Lemon Juice
Puree 1 tomato in the blender.
Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh tomato juice and 4 drops of lemon juice.
Pour mixture in airtight container and store in refrigerator.
Every day, after washing your face, use a cotton ball to apply mixture to breakouts, massaging in circular motions.
Leave on 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Note: this remedy uses highly acidic ingredients and is not ideal for those with dry or sensitive skin.

💧💧Tomato with Yogurt
Puree ½ piece of tomato.
Mix in 2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt.
Use fingertips to apply to skin, massaging gently in circular motions.
Leave on 30 minutes.
Rinse with warm water, wash with mild cleanser, and pat dry.
Repeat daily.

💧💧Tomato with Honey
Puree 1 tomato
Mix 1 tablespoon of tomato puree with 2 tablespoons of raw honey.
Massage into skin using circular motions.
Leave on 15-20 minutes.
Rinse with water and pat dry.
Repeat daily.
Note: You can apply it at night time before going to bed and wash it off in the morning.

💧💧Tomato and Cucumber
Mix equal quantities of tomato juice and cucumber juice.
Use a cotton ball to apply juices to skin.
Leave on 5 minutes or until dry.
Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Ally thrice a day for one week to prevent acne and breakouts.
Then repeat once a day.
Note: Rubbing tomato and cucumber slices on the skin achieves the same effect.

💧💧 Tomato and Milk
Puree one tomato in the blender.
Mix in ¼ cup of milk.
Apply to skin and leave on 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with water and pat dry.
Repeat daily.
Store the remaining mixture in refrigerator.
Note: milk can be replaced with lime juice.

💧💧Tomato, Kale, Celery Smoothie
This smoothie is rich in vitamins A and C, and it has a very low glycemic index.
Mix 1 tomato, 4 kale leaves, and 2 stalks of celery in the blender until smooth.
Add ice and blend until smooth.
Drink it daily or twice daily.

💧💧Tomato, Honey and Camphor
Mix 1 teaspoon of fresh tomato juice, 1 teaspoon of raw honey, and ½ teaspoon of camphor lotion in the blender until smooth.
Apply to clean skin and leave on 15 minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water, then cold water to close pores, and then pat dry.
Repeat daily.

💧💧Tomato with Garlic
Peel and mince 4 garlic cloves.
Mix garlic and 2 tablespoons of fresh tomato juice in blender until smooth.
Apply to clean skin and leave on 5 minutes.
Rinse with water, pat dry, and apply oil-free moisturizer.
Repeat daily.

💧💧Tomato with Turmeric
Mix 2 teaspoon of fresh tomato juice with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to make a paste.
Apply to clean skin and leave on 20-25 minutes.
Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
Note: For added benefit, add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.
Repeat daily.

💧💧 Tomato, Honey, Whole Wheat Flour, and Turmeric
Mix 1 teaspoon of whole wheat flour, ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder, and 2 teaspoons of milk to make a paste.
Cut a tomato in half, pour honey on one half, and use it to rub your skin for 5 minutes.
Leave tomato and honey on 15 minutes.
Rinse with water and pat dry.
Repeat regularly.

Get that acne free and glowing face with these cheap and effective method.


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