Everyone wants to have clear skin but the little parasites called as blackheads come in between our dreams. Blackheads and whiteheads are so hard to get rid of them especially when they are small. Trust me I have tried everything to get rid of them but nothing worked as beautifully as “toothpaste”&”salt” mask.
Okay I know what you’re thinking, toothpaste? How? Really? I know it sounds crazy but toothpaste is one of the simplest, cheap and effective ways to get rid of those tiny zits immediately.
Basically blackheads are tiny pimples without skin on them, and because there is no skin, they get in contact with air and moisture and then oxidize and turn into black-brown colour particles called as blackheads.
Now I’m going to tell you most effective and easy home remedy to get rid of blackheads/whiteheads using toothpaste and salt.
Things you’ll need:
  • Any mint toothpaste.
  • Salt.
  • Small bowl to mix.
  • Spoon to mix.
  • Some ice cubes.
Step one: Squish out about 2 tablespoon of toothpaste in a mixing bowl.
Step two: Add One part of salt in the toothpaste bowl.
Step three: Mix both of the ingredients well with very little water.
Step Four: Wet your face and then apply this paste on the affected area i.e. chin and nose. Let it sit for around 5-10 minutes. You will probably feel a tingling sensation but don’t worry its normal and it will pass away after few minutes.
Step five: After 10 minutes, wet your fingers and gently massage the area with two fingers in circular motion. Be gentle as harsh massage can harm your skin.
Step Six: Now rinse your face thoroughly with warm water. To close facial pores take one ice-cube and rub it on your face. It will close the pores and will prevent the entry of dirt.
Some Quick Tips:
  • Nose might appear red, but the redness will fade away after some time.
  • Do not apply this mixture close to eye area as the vapors of mint toothpaste can cause irritation to eyes.
  • Dry skin girls must moisturize the skin after the procedure completes.
  • It is very important to massage gently.
  • Any mint based toothpaste – both gel and white ones work fine. Do not use toothpaste like dabur lal or meshvak (ayurvedic toothpastes).
  • Don’t forget to close pores by rubbing ice

I can guarantee you this is very effective. Say no to those painful methods of removing blackheads and the strips that never work.


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