safety tips that could save your life


1. Never go to bed with your car's fuel tank empty (No fuel). In case of an emergency, what if your good neighbour isn't at home.

2. Never employ a nanny you don't know her home. Some of them are child traffickers in disguise.

3. Never go to bed with your phone empty (for prepaid customers) or a low battery. Most emergencies happens at night.

4.  Do not stand or park your car under high tension cable especially when it is windy.

5.  (For those who operates generators or industrial machines) Do not attempt to start your generator/ machines with your phone in your hands. As this could cause an explosion.

6.  Do not answer telephone calls in the kitchen when your gas cylinder is turn on.

7.  Endeavour to crawl under the smoke if a house is engulfed by smoke, as walking straight could cause suffocation. Smoke mounts up.

8.  If by mistake you swallow a fish bone, lick salt, and pull your ears while you cough out the fish bone.

9.  If you are in any traffic or 'hold up', if you must remain in your car while it is not in motion, always apply your central lock, with all window glasses properly whined up.

10.  Do not leave your children alone in the car with your dog or any pet.

11.  Nowadays, never enter a lift alone if you must. So many are already gone through this.

12. Never leave your opened drink to take a call outside. It could be a plan to distract you. Many have been poisoned through this.

13. Never rush out of your house/apartment if you hear a noise or sound outside like a rushing tap or screaming, instead lock all doors properly and dial 911. It's a new trick to wilfully bring you out.


Save Emergency Numbers
Especially when traveling to new places or environments, you must always know what the local emergency numbers are and have them saved on your phone (have them on speed dial, if possible). Additionally, if you’re traveling overseas, research the phone numbers and address of embassies or consulates you can run to in case of an emergency. Be sure to also review the escape routes of wherever you are at all times. Also, never joke with your security and if you notice any suspicious movement wherever you are, raise an alarm or try to get away from the place to a more public place. Avoid brushing it off as nothing, until you’re absolutely sure it’s nothing.
If You Have a Physical Car Key, Carry it in Your Hand When Walking in a Parking Lot
This is to reduce the amount of time it takes to get into your car and start it when in the parking lot, to reduce exposure to car theft or even kidnapping. It should mainly be done at night. In addition, you should not dangle the car key in your hand so someone doesn’t just snatch them from you; you should hold them in your palm and make a fist with them, with some part of the key maybe protruding between your knuckles. Aside keeping your key safe, this can serve as a makeshift weapon for you in case of an attack or emergency.
If you receive a call that claims to be from your bank about a potential fraud on your account, you should immediately hang-up and call the bank’s known customer care number to confirm the claims are true. Also, if you’re lodged in a hotel and you receive a call to your room from a hotel staff about a problem with your account or about your room needing repairs or something, you should always hang-up and call the known front-desk number to confirm if this is actually true. Don’t just oblige any request for you to provide private information or make yourself available without first confirming from a pre-known and definitely authentic number, if that is actually the case

Block People’s View of Your Hand When Entering PIN Numbers, Alarm Codes etc.
You might think this is being paranoid, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. It’s funny that people do not realize that in the age of smartphones and other advanced technology, people can be surreptitiously recording them. People can also purposely pay close attention to the movement of your hand so they can later track you, steal your card (if it’s a debit card PIN number you’re entering) and get access to your account through their mastery of the movement of your hand while entering your PIN. In addition, you should also check the card reader of ATM machines and if they appear to have been tampered with, find another machine to use.

Be security conscious! Don't be careless!! Share with friends and loved ones if you find it important and educative!!!


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